If you could be whatever you want to be, what would you be?
The same version of myself but I wish I was born 30 years earlier.
Tell us about your five favorite habits
I don’t follow particular routines.
A statement or phrase that describes you?
A slice of pizza.
Do you feel in love?
In this historic moment, the word “love” seems to have lost its meaning, it is not enough to believe in it alone.
Why have you decided to pursue a career in the world of moving picture?
I don’t think it’s a choice, since I was little I’ve always had two passions, film and music. They are the only two things in which I feel I can express myself well and say something interesting.
Which director is a source of inspiration for you?
No one in particular, I go by periods. Right now Leon Carax.
What do you think about the relationship between fashion and cinema? To your mind, in what ways could fashion film help both industries?
Fashion has always had a major influence on film and vice versa. I see it as a natural process, for better or worse. I like directors who have a strong aesthetic component tied to fashion, many have based their careers on this. However, what I criticize the fashion industry for is that, especially in Italy, brands of a certain calibre should invest more in financing independent film projects, encouraging directors and creatives in general to create original personal projects and not just cookie-cutter advertising campaigns.
Looking back, is there a particular job or story you would like to share?
The first time I went to the movies I saw Godzilla. I remember being blown away by the sound and magnitude in the theater. I was so excited that I ate a whole bag of gum drops and ended up being sick before the movie was over.
Is there a person, company or group you would like to meet and work with?
All the artists I really wanted to meet are already dead.
How do you see yourself in 10 years?
Older, but for the rest, I hope not to change.
Tell us something about your experience at Fashion Film Festival Milano.
This is my first time attending FFFM, I hope we can meet in person next year.