DIRECTOR / Adam Csoka Keller
BRAND / Uniform
YEAR / 2017
COUNTRY / United Kingdom
RUNTIME / 1’50”
ASYMPTOTE uses architectonic sites that are authentic to the era of socialism. At the basis of the project lies a historical foundation that collaborates with a fictional scenario to blur the lines between reality and memory. All body form in the project is folded within the space to shape a coherent geometrical composition, a symbol of the regime itself. The sound of ASYMPTOTE fuses digital and analogue processing, utilizing authentic stock radio footage. The acoustic manipulation shifts the collected material into abstract forms, which experiment with the viewers’ perception and invites the audience into the partially absurd game. Spartakiada, a national tradition rooted in 1955, was a colossal gymnastic performance that used choreography to unify people into large patterns and structures. The video footage creates a dialogue between the characters and the formations they create, following a sudden deformation into pixels that will submerge into digital noise.