FFFMILANO has always been committed to being a platform where fashion films from young and emerging talents are presented and their vision celebrated.
This is why we joined forces with Accademia Costume e Moda and are glad to show 3 fascinating fashion films created and directed by talented students.
Accademia Costume & Moda has a long tradition in educating professionals for the Fashion, Performing Arts, Communication and Management, qualifying itself in the years as a centre of excellence for its didactic method. The Academy has become over time “a laboratory of ideas and research, a meeting point for participation, communication and life”, establishing itself today among the 3 best fashion schools in the world according to “The Best Fashion Schools in the World 2019″ of The Business Of Fashion (BoF).
Carolina Segni, Marta Nardacchione, Chiara Contristano
“I’m püra“
Luca Venturelli, Lucy Cantiello, Federico Goffredo
Carolina Segni, Marta Nardacchione, Chiara Contristano
“I’m püra“
Luca Venturelli, Lucy Cantiello, Federico Goffredo